Allright lads, been living & working in New Zealand for the last 6 years. Huddersfield born & breed ,don't get to many games these days as it's about a 4 day round trip! Into Adidas trainers and all the shit you lot are into realy. Keep up the good work J
awright man ,,, one of ma auld mates stays out your way ,, and tae quote , NOT A FUCKING CHANCE IN HELL IM COMING BACK TAE THE SHITEHOLE THAT IS THE UK
[quote="Decoy"]Bcfczulu 1962 allright mate ,just got back from the Gold Coast last night,top place hot as fook .why did you move back?[/quote]
TBH mate, only went for holiday ended up being just over 3 yrs
Came back with all the intentions of sorting out paperwork etc and moving out, but within a couple of weeks of geting back i met the young lady who is now my wife of 14+ yrs and the rest as they say..........
Got back in 93, sister emigrated in 97, parents retired out there 2004/5 i think
No plans to move out as the missus is too close to her family but you never know
The art of war is simple enough. Find out where your enemy is. Get at him as soon as you can. Strike him as hard
The thing I remember most from my trip to the Gold Coast is meeting the cheerleaders for the Brisbane Broncos. Those images have served me well over the years
Eddie fiola hey mate sorry for the delayed reply! I'm in Christchurch (earthquake central) on the south island, as for shopping it's shit get most of me stuff on line or Ebay the shipping fooking kills it though. There is a couple of shops that do decent gear but it's normally very expensive ,scored some adidas londons in the sales for 99 dollars ,that's about 50 quid ,that's about as good as shopping goes.
Eddie fiola hey mate, the easterlie is a Cnut straight from the antartic i fooking hate it it's like being back in Yorkshire !!!! at the moment it's the oposite !!!!it's as hot as fook everyday, just like not being in Yorkshire....... You thought about coming back?
I think about going back almost everyday - although I think that ship has sailed now, especially with the state of the economy over here. Would struggle to get the dough together again. Wife though is warming back up, it was her who wanted to leave NZ. I loved it, running, walking, rugby, boozing and taking it fucking easy...
OFFhand sorry mate won't be this year ,would be good to catch up with old &new mates though, will keep an eye on the thread ,hope it goes well. don't drink too much you crazy kids!!!
Eddie fiola this country is full of ex pats , every day I speak to someone from a corner of the UK I havn't met before !!!got alot of kiwi ,maori mates ,hard bunch of fookers but good with it!!! If you think about coming back to paradisen? Pm me ,