Been told about this site by a few people now, and thought I best had.People will know me from forums such as T2T & TSS.Favourite brands at the moment are penfield, blue harbour, CP Company & again Fjall Raven (after hating it for a while)Oh and I support the only team from Manchester
Welcome in my manstick around
Hello there.Good to see a FC United of Manchester supporter on here.............................................G.
[quote="Gelse"]Hello there.Good to see a FC United of Manchester supporter on here.............................................G.[/quote]Haha let you have that
We are all funny fuckers on here.Enjoy.G.
[quote="Young_T"]Been told about this site by a few people now, and thought I best had.People will know me from forums such as T2T & TSS.Favourite brands at the moment are penfield, blue harbour, CP Company & again Fjall Raven (after hating it for a while)Oh and I support the only team from Manchester[/quote]Citeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh!Welcome.
welcome on mate
Welcome Aboard..