I'm still young Gelse - (19), so i havn't had the chance to taste many ales as i would like to, there's plent of ales been released that i'd love to try but they dont come cheap ales such as..
The Abyss Chocolate bocc etc...
But for now i'll stick to what i can afford and what i personally enjoy, which is Hobgoblin.
Sounds good stuff that does mate, have you ever tried Dogfish Head 90 IBU's IPA?
The best Ale i've ever tried hands down, bought it off a seller abroad it had bean stored for a while out of direct sunlight so the flavours just grew and grew, absolutley excellent stuff.
But i'll take your advice on the Thornbridge and give it a go, can it be bought from your usual supermarkets?
There is ale around here most of my mates rave about " bumble hole" ,I think it is brewed at ma pardoes in Netherton strong stuff so they say, not for me just standard lager for me or cider cannot handle strong stuff anymore.
Zitat von GelseUrmmm, occasionally they have it in Tesco. It tastes like your chewing on a rusty iron bar (In a good way that is!)
Not had that one mate, sounds interesting. There's that fucking many, different regions, stouts, IPAs etc etc...
Sheffield Tap on Sheffield station has always got about 5/6 on if your ever down that way?
Brew Dog Punk IPA will be in most supermarkets though, another belter.
I strongly reccoment it mate, if you can get hold of it that is it's a fantastic contrasts of taste's
I've been to the Sheffield Tap before on a meet with the forum lads who you most likely meeted at the dog's Ja, Phil, Wadey, etc.. but wasn't really into ale as much as i am now which is a shame, if i ever visit there again (i'm sure i will) i shall be sure to try some of the fine ales that they have on display.
I've never tried the Brew Dog Punk either but i'm glad you've reccomended me a couple man, expand my pallet abit and who know's, i could be an ale connoisseur in a few years time
Can't say I've tried. They sell Snecklifter in Aldi's for £1.20 though, which is great as I happen to go right by one every night on my way home from work.
Zitat von kuriousoranjCan't say I've tried. They sell Snecklifter in Aldi's for £1.20 though, which is great as I happen to go right by one every night on my way home from work.