The name's Nick. I'm all about Adi Originals, Red Wing, Verginia Weavers, 6876, CP Company, Engineered Garments, etc... Looking for a forum with like minded individuals that have style. I've been told this is that place.
Afternoon chap. And yes, uve been told right.What do you reckon to hot tubs???G.
Nice one my man, you will slide right along the gents on here with a resumee like that oneGood to have you onboardStick around
Evenin' Nick. I reckon you'll enjoy it on here.
how do!!
Brands like that youll fit in perfect mate. All the best.
This is the place Nick. Welcome in mate.
Evening squire
Hi mate, welcome in :D
welcome in mate
They've done studies, you know. 60% of the time it works, every time.
Good morning and welcome Nick
Welcome in mate.
Welcome, Nick.