are you for real? Middle and lower paid civil servants / public sector workers had no hand, act or part to play in this financial meltdown and should not have to apologise for having a fucking job. This mess was caused by incompetent and corrupt politicians, greedy banks and bankers and casino, fly by night money men - the type who bet on economies/currencies failing and are in a position to influence same. I find your comment completely fucking ignorant.
you re right it wasnt their fault, but nor was it the fault of the average man on the street. Public sector workers are going to have to realise, that the days of them being unaffected by recessions and things such as the banking crisis are over, and we re all going to have to pay in one way or another..
So wierd comments in this thread that cunt is a right wing twat.
Why should we lay down and let the government walk all over us. I don't even work in the public sector but they have all my support. Casual col is spot on with what he has said.
Quote by MidlandRaventhink the blokes a cock, but he made sense, why strike when you should be grateful you have the ability to earn a wage in this climate
are you for real? Middle and lower paid civil servants / public sector workers had no hand, act or part to play in this financial meltdown and should not have to apologise for having a fucking job. This mess was caused by incompetent and corrupt politicians, greedy banks and bankers and casino, fly by night money men - the type who bet on economies/currencies failing and are in a position to influence same. I find your comment completely fucking ignorant.
He's definately a Grade A tosser, but he's a 'celeb' not a political commentator. Clearly a joke, but who gives a fuck what he thinks or says about the strike. Its like asking Jimmy Krankie what he thinks about Burma.
Can't help feeling its a news management event (starting to sound like a paranoid now !), all the focus is on this rather than the strike itself
Some folks on here need to step away from the computer and give their heads a right good wobble. FFS he didn't actually mean for the strikers to be physically shot.....he were taking the piss. Those screaming and are the most vocal on here, did you actually see the interview or as is the norm are you going on hearsay? The one liner of 'guilt edged' pensions, does he not work for the BBC, so is he not taking the piss out off himself?
I'm no fan of Clarkson, but he does a lot of work for Help For Hero's, so in my book that makes him boss.
Quote by get the beer inSome folks on here need to step away from the computer and give their heads a right good wobble. FFS he didn't actually mean for the strikers to be physically shot.....he were taking the piss. Those screaming and are the most vocal on here, did you actually see the interview or as is the norm are you going on hearsay? The one liner of 'guilt edged' pensions, does he not work for the BBC, so is he not taking the piss out off himself?
I'm no fan of Clarkson, but he does a lot of work for Help For Hero's, so in my book that makes him boss.
Can't believe all the fuss,he's clearly saying it tongue in cheek. Coming from someone thats been self employed my whole life i have little sympathy for the strikers,they should be grateful with what they have got.
Quote by covwhiteCan't believe all the fuss,he's clearly saying it tongue in cheek. Coming from someone thats been self employed my whole life i have little sympathy for the strikers,they should be grateful with what they have got.
grateful? the deal they signed has been ripped up and replaced with what amounts to a savage bumming with a massive spike
are you for real? Middle and lower paid civil servants / public sector workers had no hand, act or part to play in this financial meltdown and should not have to apologise for having a fucking job. This mess was caused by incompetent and corrupt politicians, greedy banks and bankers and casino, fly by night money men - the type who bet on economies/currencies failing and are in a position to influence same. I find your comment completely fucking ignorant.
you re right it wasnt their fault, but nor was it the fault of the average man on the street. Public sector workers are going to have to realise, that the days of them being unaffected by recessions and things such as the banking crisis are over, and we re all going to have to pay in one way or another..
public sector workers are the average men - and women - on the street. striking is a last resort, not a fucking holiday
Haven't seen his comments ,but I think he's funny as fuck and top gear is a great programme ,what he said was obviously a joke ffs,that's his kind of humour
are you for real? Middle and lower paid civil servants / public sector workers had no hand, act or part to play in this financial meltdown and should not have to apologise for having a fucking job. This mess was caused by incompetent and corrupt politicians, greedy banks and bankers and casino, fly by night money men - the type who bet on economies/currencies failing and are in a position to influence same. I find your comment completely fucking ignorant.
you re right it wasnt their fault, but nor was it the fault of the average man on the street.
You're missing the point. A worker is a worker, be they private or public sector and I find it saddening to see the two groups (deliberately) pitted against each other in what has become a struggle. To say, '. Public sector workers are going to have to realise, that the days of them being unaffected by recessions and things such as the banking crisis are over, and we re all going to have to pay in one way or another.' - what? you think they already haven't? no public workers have had their wages slashed? or no public workers are stuck in negative equity as a result of being sold a £300,000 house that's now worth half that? no public workers have had unjust and barely legal pension levies imposed on them (Ireland, at least)? This is the ordinary man's struggle - right and left, public and private. And anyone who doesn't think so, let me leave you with this worrying fact - the most recent appointment to the higher echelons of the ECB, the unelected leader of the Italian administration and the recently (unelected) leader of the Greek administration all have one thing in common (apart from the fact they were unelected which is worrying enough) - they are all ex employees of Goldman Sachs. You do the maths.
Oh fuck it - while I'm at it. In Ireland, three weeks ago, there was a report that 90,000 (that's not a typo btw) kids go without a substantial meal everyday. But nevermind, eh? Banks have to bailed out, markets appeased and faceless, morally bankrupt moneymen rewarded. Let's not worry about the kids, eh? And shur we can always lay the blame at the feet of lower paid clerical government workers.
And to hear someone from Sheffield, of all places, whinge about 'boring Union leaders', well I fucking despair. The job is not glamouress and their brief is to fight for and protect their members.
Some people need a reality check and to start looking for the real crooks behind this fucking mess. Here's a clue - start at the top, not an officer worker earning 20k a year stuck in negative equity.
Me, Wadey ,Horse and Hound seem in total agreement on this.Phil can come in as honorary spokesman for our political media wing.(only 'cos he 's been in Sheffield more than me in the last decade) Clarkson is a oaf that likes to prod easy targets with his 'wit' Sorry not round here JC
This is really the only thing the press are talking about after the strikes , think every cunt missed the actual point of the strikes , the fake outrage is boring as fuck , its not that toff cunts fault we are up shit creak without a paddle, it was a off the cuff remark , nothing more...who cares.
Quote by get the beer inSome folks on here need to step away from the computer and give their heads a right good wobble. FFS he didn't actually mean for the strikers to be physically shot.....he were taking the piss. Those screaming and are the most vocal on here, did you actually see the interview or as is the norm are you going on hearsay? The one liner of 'guilt edged' pensions, does he not work for the BBC, so is he not taking the piss out off himself?
I'm no fan of Clarkson, but he does a lot of work for Help For Hero's, so in my book that makes him boss.
exactly,some people do get wound up over nothing,anybody who has listened to clarkson knows 90 percent of what he says is a joke.tongue in cheek/sarcastic or whatever else you want to call it,seems to be a serious lack of senses of humour on here sometimes,clarkson im sure doesnt take himself seriously so why the fuck are other people??