Double Standards is quite correct, this kind of statement on Facebook could stir up racial tension and riots (tongue in cheek), then she could go and sit in a cell next to the 17 and 18 year olds who through immaturity stated on facebook "lets go and have a riot in our local shopping centre" and will now take tax payers money having 3 square meals a day for the next 3 years. Dismissal is the least this fud deserves, personally I'd like to see her nicked. Idon't have a racial bone in my bosy, but I tell you this country is going to explode with one hell of a fucking bang shortly!!!
I think she's been incredibly stupid, and she's got form for this type of stuff. It's plainly not been taken out of context; read the series of tweets. It's a negative generalisation about a whole racial group, which last time I looked was what 'racism' is.
However, I can't say it personally offends me in the slightest. Probably because, like most white people, I've never been on the receiving end of serious racism. Should she be sacked? Probably. It doesn't send out the right signal about any form of racism being unacceptable. Will she be? I doubt it. Am I bothered? Not significantly, for the reasons above.
Quote by wilsonzenithI think she's been incredibly stupid, and she's got form for this type of stuff. It's plainly not been taken out of context; read the series of tweets. It's a negative generalisation about a whole racial group, which last time I looked was what 'racism' is.
However, I can't say it personally offends me in the slightest. Probably because, like most white people, I've never been on the receiving end of serious racism. Should she be sacked? Probably. It doesn't send out the right signal about any form of racism being unacceptable. Will she be? I doubt it. Am I bothered? Not significantly, for the reasons above.
Quote by nefcAnyone getting upset by that needs to have a look at themselves
I think you may be missing the point.
What people are getting upset about is if a white person had said that about 'blacks' then it would be construed as racist and the person would have undoubtedly been sacked. Its the basic inequality in being racist (if that makes sense). As has been said on this thread, white people tend not to react to these comments because they have not been on the end of racism. However I'm sure most blacks over the age of 40 have been subjected to some sort of racist/innapropriate comment in their lifetime due to the times they grew up in. I can't comment on the younger generation. You then have to factor in the white population who live in communities where the majority is from another ethnic background, who do feel they are on the end of (latent) racism that isn't taken seriously enough. I'm not in the slightest bit offended by it (DA's comments) although i have reported her for her comments, as I beleive until racism in any form is shown to be unnaceptable this rather boring argument will just run and run.
She won't be sacked because Labour sold their soul years ago, and need their quota of women / ethnic minorities / both. Fuck knows how anyone votes for this hypocrite slag though , they need their heads examining.
Quote by nefcAnyone getting upset by that needs to have a look at themselves
I think you may be missing the point.
What people are getting upset about is if a white person had said that about 'blacks' then it would be construed as racist and the person would have undoubtedly been sacked. Its the basic inequality in being racist (if that makes sense). As has been said on this thread, white people tend not to react to these comments because they have not been on the end of racism. However I'm sure most blacks over the age of 40 have been subjected to some sort of racist/innapropriate comment in their lifetime due to the times they grew up in. I can't comment on the younger generation. You then have to factor in the white population who live in communities where the majority is from another ethnic background, who do feel they are on the end of (latent) racism that isn't taken seriously enough. I'm not in the slightest bit offended by it (DA's comments) although i have reported her for her comments, as I beleive until racism in any form is shown to be unnaceptable this rather boring argument will just run and run.
i know what you mean, but i think she's right. in that, white people - or certainly the 'establishment' - clearly do believe in divide and rule, as the recent pensions strike showed. people in the private sector saying people in the public sector should be grateful for what they have, when really the private sector workers should be looking at the stronger public sector unions and thinking, i want that. that said, i think abott's an idiot.
First of all, I feel awful defending Dianne Abbott; the so called "left of the labour party", who sends her children to private school. She's a fascist, but not a racist.
The whole idea that race should be taken equally either way is a nice thought, but it's completely undermined by the fact that history alone forces it to be unevenly weighted. People surely cant believe that "white bastard" and "black bastard" have the same effect? One day perhaps, but racism towards people of ethnic minorities is ten times worse than it is towards we whites. Case in point; Once, when walking along Rushholme late at night, I was called a white faggot. I felt absolutely nothing, I laughed. Why? Because what does racism actually mean to me as a white person? Fuck all. I haven't been born knowing that not so long ago, people who looked like me were oppressed, made slaves, and treated as subhuman. I haven't grown up knowing there is an irrefutable glass ceiling which still to this day denies people of different race from a vast number of the top positions. Racism should be 50/50, of course it should be. But it's simply not.
On the subject of DA use of the word "white", I agree, it was incredibly stupid (she's an incredibly stupid woman), but to react and say she meant all whites, probably many of her friends, is short sighted. The English language has a unique duality of words. You could go onto the streets of London and see a protest of 1000s of people, all born in the western hemisphere, shouting "Evil West! Murderers!", or something to that effect. They're not calling themselves murderers are they? In the same way, "The white man" refers to the historical oppressor, listen to a number of old reggae records, they're not on about all white people, Gil Scott Heron uses the word "cracker" - he's not talking about me. If I was to say I'd been getting right into Gymnastics and my favourite part was jumping over horses, you wouldn't picture me skipping over Denman down at Cheltenham would you?
It all seems a bit of a storm in a teacup to me, really. Perhaps some people have got a bit meithered about the whole Stephen Lawrence / Suarez thing. Some people might be feeling left out of the whole "oppression" bag, I don't know. Probably just a slow day on the broadcastable news though.
Quote by kuriousoranjFirst of all, I feel awful defending Dianne Abbott; the so called "left of the labour party", who sends her children to private school. She's a fascist, but not a racist.
The whole idea that race should be taken equally either way is a nice thought, but it's completely undermined by the fact that history alone forces it to be unevenly weighted. People surely cant believe that "white bastard" and "black bastard" have the same effect? One day perhaps, but racism towards people of ethnic minorities is ten times worse than it is towards we whites. Case in point; Once, when walking along Rushholme late at night, I was called a white faggot. I felt absolutely nothing, I laughed. Why? Because what does racism actually mean to me as a white person? Fuck all. I haven't been born knowing that not so long ago, people who looked like me were oppressed, made slaves, and treated as subhuman. I haven't grown up knowing there is an irrefutable glass ceiling which still to this day denies people of different race from a vast number of the top positions. Racism should be 50/50, of course it should be. But it's simply not.
On the subject of DA use of the word "white", I agree, it was incredibly stupid (she's an incredibly stupid woman), but to react and say she meant all whites, probably many of her friends, is short sighted. The English language has a unique duality of words. You could go onto the streets of London and see a protest of 1000s of people, all born in the western hemisphere, shouting "Evil West! Murderers!", or something to that effect. They're not calling themselves murderers are they? In the same way, "The white man" refers to the historical oppressor, listen to a number of old reggae records, they're not on about all white people, Gil Scott Heron uses the word "cracker" - he's not talking about me. If I was to say I'd been getting right into Gymnastics and my favourite part was jumping over horses, you wouldn't picture me skipping over Denman down at Cheltenham would you?
It all seems a bit of a storm in a teacup to me, really. Perhaps some people have got a bit meithered about the whole Stephen Lawrence / Suarez thing. Some people might be feeling left out of the whole "oppression" bag, I don't know. Probably just a slow day on the broadcastable news though.
That's an interesting argument but I don't buy the White Privilege argument when it comes from a woman who's a member of the Shadow Cabinet and has ingratiated herself in what people like GSH would look at as traditional white society. As I said before the biggest problem isn't what she said (I really don't give a fuck) but the hypocrisy of it from a woman who seems to constantly try and separate 'her people' from mainstream British society and seems to be on a crusade against white (especially working class) men. Ed Milliband has been a weak leader so far and he missed a real opportunity to show a bit of bottle and win back - rightly or wrongly - some of Labour's core constituency who feel the party has become the preserve of people like Abbott alone.
Quote by sauzee88That's an interesting argument but I don't buy the White Privilege argument when it comes from a woman who's a member of the Shadow Cabinet and has ingratiated herself in what people like GSH would look at as traditional white society. As I said before the biggest problem isn't what she said (I really don't give a fuck) but the hypocrisy of it from a woman who seems to constantly try and separate 'her people' from mainstream British society and seems to be on a crusade against white (especially working class) men.
I agree with that. She's more "the white man as the oppressor" than me, that's for sure.
Quote by kuriousoranjFirst of all, I feel awful defending Dianne Abbott; the so called "left of the labour party", who sends her children to private school. She's a fascist, but not a racist.
The whole idea that race should be taken equally either way is a nice thought, but it's completely undermined by the fact that history alone forces it to be unevenly weighted. People surely cant believe that "white bastard" and "black bastard" have the same effect? One day perhaps, but racism towards people of ethnic minorities is ten times worse than it is towards we whites. Case in point; Once, when walking along Rushholme late at night, I was called a white faggot. I felt absolutely nothing, I laughed. Why? Because what does racism actually mean to me as a white person? Fuck all. I haven't been born knowing that not so long ago, people who looked like me were oppressed, made slaves, and treated as subhuman. I haven't grown up knowing there is an irrefutable glass ceiling which still to this day denies people of different race from a vast number of the top positions. Racism should be 50/50, of course it should be. But it's simply not.
On the subject of DA use of the word "white", I agree, it was incredibly stupid (she's an incredibly stupid woman), but to react and say she meant all whites, probably many of her friends, is short sighted. The English language has a unique duality of words. You could go onto the streets of London and see a protest of 1000s of people, all born in the western hemisphere, shouting "Evil West! Murderers!", or something to that effect. They're not calling themselves murderers are they? In the same way, "The white man" refers to the historical oppressor, listen to a number of old reggae records, they're not on about all white people, Gil Scott Heron uses the word "cracker" - he's not talking about me. If I was to say I'd been getting right into Gymnastics and my favourite part was jumping over horses, you wouldn't picture me skipping over Denman down at Cheltenham would you?
It all seems a bit of a storm in a teacup to me, really. Perhaps some people have got a bit meithered about the whole Stephen Lawrence / Suarez thing. Some people might be feeling left out of the whole "oppression" bag, I don't know. Probably just a slow day on the broadcastable news though.
As soon as people like you and certain sections of the black community drop this COLONIALISM bollocks as an excuse, the sooner we can all live in harmony. I'm not sorry for the slavery of a 100 years ago. I'm not asking for Black people to be sorry for The ARAB slave trade. Certain sections of the black community want shit like this to carry on, because if it did'nt they would just be insignificant arseholes. You keep making excuses and all you will do is keep playing into the hands of extremists. Whatever the colour.
Quote by beduth jaseAs soon as people like you and certain sections of the black community drop this COLONIALISM bollocks as an excuse, the sooner we can all live in harmony. I'm not sorry for the slavery of a 100 years ago. I'm not asking for Black people to be sorry for The ARAB slave trade. Certain sections of the black community want shit like this to carry on, because if it did'nt they would just be insignificant arseholes. You keep making excuses and all you will do is keep playing into the hands of extremists. Whatever the colour.
that is what i wanted to say, but put alot better than i could...well said
I am not being funny but wannabe black gangster yoots all over the UK who feel racially abused if called a "black faggot" do not react badly because they think back and reflect on the conditions their ancestors grew up in or how they are constantly treated unfairly. They react to name calling because they are allowed to play up to it.
As soon as people like you and certain sections of the black community drop this COLONIALISM bollocks as an excuse, the sooner we can all live in harmony. I'm not sorry for the slavery of a 100 years ago. I'm not asking for Black people to be sorry for The ARAB slave trade. Certain sections of the black community want shit like this to carry on, because if it did'nt they would just be insignificant arseholes. You keep making excuses and all you will do is keep playing into the hands of extremists. Whatever the colour.