Anyone on here taken it for sport or recreation? Met a young kiddy in NY who took it to beef up but then liked the buzz so much started taking it recreationally. He carries it everywhere he goes due to it being a controlled substance but not illegal to use it or have it on your person. I asked about the side effects and he said he just has trouble sleeping sometimes and gave me a web address to get some
Just had a look at the side effects and i think i would die if i took that due to age etc etc.
Quote: STEVECFC wrote in post #2Sleepless nights , paranoia , weekened teeth , heart problems ... need to know more / still want to take ? best left well alone ..
Stay well clear, I used to use many performance substances, you would be better of doing a course of distance iv in your buttocks 12 weeks. Forget the myth about being dangerous that's only if you abuse them and the reason some do is because of the results you get so they decide to take now than should. Steroids are fine if not abused.
Used some to loose some fat when I was going to the gym. Didn't like the feeling when taking it, mostly because of the heart rate. You can do a lot if you just eat and exercise correctly&often and if you still want to take something to speed up the process there are safer supplements on the market. And of course get a lot of info before taking anything on specialized forums.
Aye steroids are fine if you can put up with spots all over your back,your mates or lass can put up with mood swings,when you come off them watch your size go just as quick as you put it on,the chance of kidney damage and the chance of it not actually being steroids you've actually bought.
Yes your right and many steroids do have those side effects however sustanon is the 4 natural testosterone from the body so you are basically upping you're levels to enhance you're training, safe if not abused. Unsafe if young and full of testosterone. No side effects but do you're research. Any other leave alone as mentioned the water retention is just shite
My son took it when stripping down for his first BB show and shit himself, he thought his heart was going to come out of his chest. I've seen guys take all kinds of things, the worst being a growth hormone for bulls!!! The guy had a drink at a bbq the night after and started smashing pint glasses into his own head, needless to say all hell broke lose and I have a permanent crack in my cheek bone from a cock with a Holsten pills bottle who twated me from behind.
Wow how strange same thing happened to me with a holsten pills bottle, around the time when it was the only bottle lager you could buy in a pub. Having a piss and some idiot just smashed the fucker over my head. Didn't feel as was on lsd at the time but had a lovely white jumper on and went back to me passage noticed blood streaming onto my jumper. Imagine the commotion all of us on acid, happy days
Quote: oldbhoy wrote in post #16My son took it when stripping down for his first BB show and shit himself, he thought his heart was going to come out of his chest. I've seen guys take all kinds of things, the worst being a growth hormone for bulls!!! The guy had a drink at a bbq the night after and started smashing pint glasses into his own head, needless to say all hell broke lose and I have a permanent crack in my cheek bone from a cock with a Holsten pills bottle who twated me from behind.
Quote: OFFHand wrote in post #14Yes your right and many steroids do have those side effects however sustanon is the 4 natural testosterone from the body so you are basically upping you're levels to enhance you're training, safe if not abused. Unsafe if young and full of testosterone. No side effects but do you're research. Any other leave alone as mentioned the water retention is just shite
I think the problme comes after though so you need to take another hormone post cycle to get your body producing its own test test again. Clomid spirngs to miond but that may be wrong ?
once you put extra test into your system doesn't your body stop producing its own as it thinks it doesn't need to ?
Quote: OFFHand wrote in post #14Yes your right and many steroids do have those side effects however sustanon is the 4 natural testosterone from the body so you are basically upping you're levels to enhance you're training, safe if not abused. Unsafe if young and full of testosterone. No side effects but do you're research. Any other leave alone as mentioned the water retention is just shite
I think the problme comes after though so you need to take another hormone post cycle to get your body producing its own test test again. Clomid spirngs to miond but that may be wrong ?
once you put extra test into your system doesn't your body stop producing its own as it thinks it doesn't need to ?
The issue is as you get to a certain age your testosterone rapidly declines and then it's safe, you should not be taking in young years as you have enough testosterone in your buddy. If you do it by recommended cycle of 12 weeks then you're safe, the trouble is people see the results of say putting on 20kg if mass then most abuse it and start injecting 3 times the dose thinking they will get more results quicker but then the side effects do kick in....
Ephedrine was found in the pockets and bloodstream of british tdf cyclist Tom Simpson, After he died of a heart attck on mount ventoux. He was on the brandy at the time aswell.
Quote: OFFHand wrote in post #14Yes your right and many steroids do have those side effects however sustanon is the 4 natural testosterone from the body so you are basically upping you're levels to enhance you're training, safe if not abused. Unsafe if young and full of testosterone. No side effects but do you're research. Any other leave alone as mentioned the water retention is just shite
I think the problme comes after though so you need to take another hormone post cycle to get your body producing its own test test again. Clomid spirngs to miond but that may be wrong ?
once you put extra test into your system doesn't your body stop producing its own as it thinks it doesn't need to ?
in young years as you have enough testosterone in your buddy....
there's none in my buddy !!
You got something you wanna share Ja , me old fruit ?