Have loads of summer clothes that haven't seen the light of day this year,hasn't helped not going on holiday this year (going in December) what with one thing and another and shift work never helps but how shit has it been??
Worse summer since 07 was it? when it rained almost every day!
What with the mild winter which meant you couldn't wear your jackets and the indifferent summer wearing your gear has been somewhat of a let down. What was it, maybe 3 good weeks in total?
Ive spent most of my time either in the office or at the hospital with the old man over the last few months so not seen much fresh air at all tbh, i went out for a walk with the kids yesterday and thought it was pretty warm though. Summers not my bag really to be honest, more of an autumn sort of bloke 😄
Quote: Tone wrote in post #2Worse summer since 07 was it? when it rained almost every day!
What with the mild winter which meant you couldn't wear your jackets and the indifferent summer wearing your gear has been somewhat of a let down. What was it, maybe 3 good weeks in total?
Was thinking maybe 3 good days in total personally
Really hasn't helped not going on holiday for me either as I'm now usually sulking instead of being the usual ray of sunshine I normally am
@murf - Sorry to hear your dads not well, I should stop moaning.
Its cool S, he's a stubborn old bugger so not goin anywhere lol! Prime example of shit weather here today, walked to the shops with the bairn in shorts a t-shirt - red hot on the way down there then pissed it down on the way back! Funny as fuck mind, see some right sights out when its like this..bubble jacket and bermuda shorts job 😄
Quote: Murf wrote in post #5Its cool S, he's a stubborn old bugger so not goin anywhere lol! Prime example of shit weather here today, walked to the shops with the bairn in shorts a t-shirt - red hot on the way down there then pissed it down on the way back! Funny as fuck mind, see some right sights out when its like this..bubble jacket and bermuda shorts job 😄
I took the dog out the other week over a few fields near me wearing an old RAF coat and it pissed it down and we were both soaked but by the time I got near home it was boiling and I was passing folk in flip flops and shorts, its a great climate we have
Whilst on the subject of dress sense in this weather, some plank walked in the boozer yesterday wearing a woolen hat, shades, tee shirt, shorts and flip flops!