Yes, where have all the refugees gone. Alex Thompson, former Civil Servant and GCHQ analyst exposes the migrant scam, who is making big money from it and the agenda behind it. (From 20 mins into the above news)
Think we'll see a change once brexit is finalised and this non EU nationals dilemma is resolved .. Can only speak for Norwich as this is my closest City I visit regularly, but it's been invaded by many groups all seemingly fighting age , men , why ? I'm not opposed to immigration , working people who bring a positive purpose to the country are fine by me , and very welcome .. But these groups of men I'm bit unsure why they need to be here , fight for your country ..
Quote: STEVECFC wrote in post #5Think we'll see a change once brexit is finalised and this non EU nationals dilemma is resolved .. Can only speak for Norwich as this is my closest City I visit regularly, but it's been invaded by many groups all seemingly fighting age , men , why ? I'm not opposed to immigration , working people who bring a positive purpose to the country are fine by me , and very welcome .. But these groups of men I'm bit unsure why they need to be here , fight for your country ..
Steve, if you watch what I posted, the news video, you will get an understanding of the reality. It is all about Money. As Lord Pilkington, Ex Director of the Bank Of England, said to his nephew, who I know, Do not believe anything that a Politician says they can do or what the Media print, because we, meaning the Bankers, tell them what to do and what to print.
Fair enough, money is involved and drives majority of people .. I'm just telling what I see where I live , and it's an uncomfortable situation .. And as I stressed I'm all for immigration , and intagration , that's important to me ..
Quote: STEVECFC wrote in post #7Fair enough, money is involved and drives majority of people .. I'm just telling what I see where I live , and it's an uncomfortable situation .. And as I stressed I'm all for immigration , and intagration , that's important to me ..
Problem is with this country , as soon as you mention ' immigration ' it's associated with being racist .. Far from it .. But because the right , Farage , adopted such a stance on it , it's a tainted subject. But that's wrong and far from it , but we can't accomadate everyone , NHS is fucked , schools over populated , so something has to change
#12 | RE: RefugeesFri Mar 17, 2017 9:57 pm (Last edited: Fri Mar 17, 2017 10:06 pm)
must be the famous geordie humour, speaking of geordie humour my pal went to uni in newcastle so spent many a weekend on the piss on the quayside big market etc, went to a party in jesmond and got launched down the stairs by this big meathead, my crime? asking for an interpreter as i couldn't understand a word he was going on about
Quote: PR6 wrote in post #12must be the famous geordie humour, speaking of geordie humour my pal went to uni in newcastle so spent many a weekend on the piss on the quayside big market etc, went to a party in jesmond and got launched down the stairs by this big meathead, my crime? asking for an interpreter as i couldn't understand a word he was going on about