Who'd have thought it could cause so much, stress, despair and arguments! Six weeks now and we are still no closer, my problem is I let her get involved........and she can't even drive!
Here's a few of her comments:
No, don't like the colour, No, don't like the wheels, No, don't like the tyres, No, don't like the interior, No, it's too much, No, its too far, No, we don't need a car like that, No, it's too big, No, the insurance is too much, No, don't want another convertible, No, don't like the salesman!
I agree, had my current Audi now for 6 years, the longest I've ever kept one and never put a spanner to it!
I originally started looking at the A5's but she said she wanted something different, so we looked at Merc's and BMW's. We are now back to where we began our quest 6 weeks ago!
Am on my 5th Audi now tone Had the coupe 16valve A V6 petrol avant 130 tdi avant chipped to 180 I still have this great for parking anywhere and tip runs and not arsed if it gets the odd dent ..Had it 7 years now Then went daft and bought an s4 avant ridiculously fast 350bhp and drank like a Cunt.. good fun but not really very good for long family trips and the other ones getting on a bit.so sold it. Bought the b8 a4 a few months back 170 quattro panoramic sunroof and all the toys..big enough fast enough a good car tone ..didn't pay over the odds and Tbh it's not worth me paying to much as I only do around 3000 miles a year so it's a waste of money. Mines due a call back for the emissions scandal so it could be a good time to buy one as that's bound to have affected the used price
Quote: redmond wrote in post #4Am on my 5th Audi now tone Tbh it's not worth me paying to much as I only do around 3000 miles a year so it's a waste of money.
This is my problem mate, do about the same mileage wise but I'm bored of clobber atm so feel the need to spunk my money on a motor.
True story this, not far from where I live is a large unit which repair BMW's, over the years I've got to know a few guys who work there, including the gaffer. Anyway, I went for a test drive in a BMW 4 series at the local BMW dealership and although we only went 'around the block' I was pleasantly surprised with the handling and comfort of the car. I asked the gaffer of the unit, who had just bought a brand new 4 series, what he thought of it, "Don't do it" he said, "I bought that one last year drove a mile down the road and thought, what have I done!" he hates it! He also said "why do think I've made a living, a good living out of BMW's all these years?" All of my customer courtesy cars are Audi!
Thats my game tone audi make good cars perhaps the best .. they have got issue's tho mainly due to the owners buying the wrong model..if your doing short journeys buy a petrol if you still want the diesel give it a blast every other week or you will clog the turbo and the dpf filter.. Everyone that I work with runs Audis or vw,s I like bmw but wouldn't buy one as the equivalent Audi is a better car and Quattro is a must imo
Wife's had an A1 and now has the A3 sport. I have had the A5 and changed onto the A6 SLine for work. Never had a squeak out of any of them. Superb build quality and drive. I've tried Lexus, BMW and they don't come close. The only thing I did like was an E class Merc I had once had as a tester
Quote: sjh1874 wrote in post #9Wife's had an A1 and now has the A3 sport. I have had the A5 and changed onto the A6 SLine for work. Never had a squeak out of any of them. Superb build quality and drive. I've tried Lexus, BMW and they don't come close. The only thing I did like was an E class Merc I had once had as a tester
Not test driven an E class Merc, but sat in a couple of AMG cabs, luxury defined.
Whilst on the subject of buying a new motor, how smarmy are the salemen?
Slaberying over you with their perfectly coiffured hair, sharp suits, manicured nails, big kettles and pointy shoes
Tossers, that is apart from Lucy at Mercedes Birmingham, I can just see her now tottering over the car park to meet me and the Mrs. Aged about 23, tall, long blond hair, wearing a long tight skirt that looked as though it had been sprayed on and her little nipples sticking out of her tight white shirt on a cold winters day...........I'm gone
Another Audi vote here T. We've an A4 S line black edition. I would say we'll have audis for the rest of our days. Due a change next year so might go to A5 then. We'll see. Thing is the customer service from audi is top banana. Every thing you'd expect when buying a car in that range. But as we all know that's not always the case when you expect it from some brands.
"The nightmares invading the sleep of Bayern fans involve four horsemen of the Champions League Apocalypse riding towards them. As the faces come into focus, they will recognise Frank Lampard, Cole, Petr Cech and Drogba. All were immense..."
Quote: sjh1874 wrote in post #9Wife's had an A1 and now has the A3 sport. I have had the A5 and changed onto the A6 SLine for work. Never had a squeak out of any of them. Superb build quality and drive. I've tried Lexus, BMW and they don't come close. The only thing I did like was an E class Merc I had once had as a tester
Not test driven an E class Merc, but sat in a couple of AMG cabs, luxury defined.
Whilst on the subject of buying a new motor, how smarmy are the salemen?
Slaberying over you with their perfectly coiffured hair, sharp suits, manicured nails, big kettles and pointy shoes
Tossers, that is apart from Lucy at Mercedes Birmingham, I can just see her now tottering over the car park to meet me and the Mrs. Aged about 23, tall, long blond hair, wearing a long tight skirt that looked as though it had been sprayed on and her little nipples sticking out of her tight white shirt on a cold winters day...........I'm gone
Quote: Teznufc wrote in post #22I,ve a 1.2 04 Corsa Enegy for sale if your interested Tone,6 months mot and tax,in silver,only done 200,000 miles and it's great on petrol.
Needs a new steering rack,3 new tyres,drive shaft,new pads and the brake pipes might need looking at,other than that it's a great motor.
To you mate £1,500
Tempted mate, but the black and white fluffy dice and NUFC mats are somewhat off putting!
Quote: Teznufc wrote in post #22I,ve a 1.2 04 Corsa Enegy for sale if your interested Tone,6 months mot and tax,in silver,only done 200,000 miles and it's great on petrol.
Needs a new steering rack,3 new tyres,drive shaft,new pads and the brake pipes might need looking at,other than that it's a great motor.
To you mate £1,500
Tempted mate, but the black and white fluffy dice and NUFC mats are somewhat off putting!