Quote: Thesaint wrote in post #76http://southendnewsnetwork.com/news/breaking-uk-government-confirms-second-referendum/
Not a real News outlet but a Spoof outlet.
Really? wow i thought the fact that they had more signatures that we have population made it real...
The amount of petition signers was stupidly high. Our armed forces were told to vote for remain by those in power but did the complete opposite thankfully.
The scam of Article 50 is just delaying tactics. All that MP' s need to do is revoke the 1972 European Communities Act and we would be free of the EU. https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/125333
I've said it before and I'll say it again St. Bob, what part of FUCK OFF do you not understand, it's got fuck all to do with you! Preaching to the Losers (sorry remain) in London today.
Quote: wadey wrote in post #97God I hate Bob geldof....fucking tramp.....fuck off and take your wank band with you, you crap dad cunt
This.. He was good as pink tho..before the fame went to his head..I watched him on some concert with Dave Gilmore and the cunt had to read the words to comfortably numb..
Quote: Tone wrote in post #96I've said it before and I'll say it again St. Bob, what part of FUCK OFF do you not understand, it's got fuck all to do with you! Preaching to the Losers (sorry remain) in London today.
Quote: Tone wrote in post #96I've said it before and I'll say it again St. Bob, what part of FUCK OFF do you not understand, it's got fuck all to do with you! Preaching to the Losers (sorry remain) in London today.