Can I have the whole of Eastenders? The worst writing and plots imaginable. Literally painful to watch. In comparison Crossroads is like Breaking Bad ffs...
"The nightmares invading the sleep of Bayern fans involve four horsemen of the Champions League Apocalypse riding towards them. As the faces come into focus, they will recognise Frank Lampard, Cole, Petr Cech and Drogba. All were immense..."
Victoria Derbyshire on her British Brainwashing Corporation show in a morning steering housewifes into believing goverment propoganda. The way she shows false concern and interest to peoples predicaments is sickening.... She is defo in the top 10. As you said Len there are so many to choose from..
Quote: Tone wrote in post #4Clare Balding, seems to be an expert on everything, except blokes.
Yeah and while we're at it anyone of those self righteous presenters come judges on that Great British Bake off Bollocks!
Can't stand balding since she insulted the jockey she interviewed after he'd won the national and asked the boy if he'd fix his teeth with his prize money.
Quote: RamseesCFC wrote in post #2Can I have the whole of Eastenders? .
Give yourself a slap for watching it........or are you using it as a tool to get you mockney accent right in preparation for your covert visit to Landan.
James corden what talent has this bloke got all to nicey nice to me could do with liam gallagher To offer him on or rod hull and his mate emu take his fuckin eye out just a big fat smarmy bastard to me.....another cunt who i dislike immensely and im sure theres plenty on here who will agree with us is that parasite russell brand were do i start with this utter pile of shite...
Quote: frank cannon wrote in post #13James corden what talent has this bloke got all to nicey nice to me could do with liam gallagher To offer him on or rod hull and his mate emu take his fuckin eye out just a big fat smarmy bastard to me.....another cunt who i dislike immensely and im sure theres plenty on here who will agree with us is that parasite russell brand were do i start with this utter pile of shite...
Two great shouts there pal,corden does my fuckin head in on everything these days
Quote: frank cannon wrote in post #13James corden what talent has this bloke got all to nicey nice to me could do with liam gallagher To offer him on or rod hull and his mate emu take his fuckin eye out just a big fat smarmy bastard to me.....another cunt who i dislike immensely and im sure theres plenty on here who will agree with us is that parasite russell brand were do i start with this utter pile of shite...
Two great shouts there pal,corden does my fuckin head in on everything these days
Another one whilst im in the mood hes not quite on the hate list as Russel brand but who i can say im not particular thrilled with is the slimey aussie fuckwit peter andre whos only particular talent I can see was to tag onto and leech off page 3 girl katie price.
Quote: frank cannon wrote in post #16Another one whilst im in the mood hes not quite on the hate list as Russel brand but who i can say im not particular thrilled with is the slimey aussie fuckwit peter andre whos only particular talent I can see was to tag onto and leech off page 3 girl katie price.