It's a massive day in West Brom, the towns folk get together for a march which has been going on for 20 years now. The local boozers will be open from around 8.30.....for breakfast.
Quote: Tone wrote in post #2It's a massive day in West Brom, the towns folk get together for a march which has been going on for 20 years now. The local boozers will be open from around 8.30.....for breakfast.
The extra 4 bank holidays thing is ridiculous and makes him look more of an idiot then he already is..I can't work the bloke out ..he's not living in the real world
And I've said it before, any working class person that votes conservative is a fucking idiot. Still blaming labour for the global financial meltdown, what's 10 years of austerity done, fuck all the deficit has grown not decreased.
And I've said it before, any working class person that votes conservative is a fucking idiot. Still blaming labour for the global financial meltdown, what's 10 years of austerity done, fuck all the deficit has grown not decreased.
Then I must be a 'fucking idiot'. I was bought up on a council estate, still live a stones throw from it and I'm proud to say, I vote Tory and call myself working class. Maggie God bless her rebuilt this country after Labour took it to the brink of bankruptcy and what did Labour do when they got in power? fucked it up again and don't get me started on that cunt Blair!
I never left the Labour party, the Labour party left me.
Here's another reason why I despise the Labour party An ex Labour PM going against the democratic vote of the country and urging the public to vote Tory. It's all about him, is there a more condescending, ego tystical, terrorist loving, delusional, money grubbing, lying, horrible horrible cunt of a man, who lead this country through lying to feather his own nest?!?! Socialism, shove it up your arse!
Quote: Tone wrote in post #11Here's another reason why I despise the Labour party An ex Labour PM going against the democratic vote of the country and urging the public to vote Tory. It's all about him, is there a more condescending, ego tystical, terrorist loving, delusional, money grubbing, lying, horrible horrible cunt of a man, who lead this country through lying to feather hiis own nest?!?! Socialism, shove it up your arse!
T"reason" May and most of those corrupt cnuts who walk the corridors of Parliment are also of the same ilk.
And I've said it before, any working class person that votes conservative is a fucking idiot. Still blaming labour for the global financial meltdown, what's 10 years of austerity done, fuck all the deficit has grown not decreased.
Benefit Britain countrys full of immigrants steadily getting worse..labour's done nowt about it torys are as right wing as we have got so they get my vote..corbys never done a days work in his life he's not working class an extra four days holiday would ruin smaller businesses if he can't see that he is you think he could run the country ? He couldnt run a corner shop..Labour party's a laughing stock with him in charge