[quote="Anchor"]Al. Fucking good call. I fucking hate that.[/quote]
Dan, I actually took that pic this morning. I was gonna drive off and look for some dog shit to put under his door handle but was in a rush unfortunately..
finding a hole on your favourite jacket....it's the size of a matchstick head right on the cuff (looks like the cuff has split slightly due to wear & tear) but I can't take my eye of it. Already emailed a tailor for a quote, seriously pissed off.
[quote="Mersons Bookie"]Having ££££'s of knitwear nibbled by moths![/quote]
Might sound daft but you should get some lavender extract, put it on a sponge or a rag and leave it in your draw. Moths can't stand it so should protect your kit.
[quote="SteadyOn"]Gentleman, I give you the Ubercunt....
The Smug cunt[/quote]
Nick Fucking Knowles - How could I have forgotten this absolute bell of a man - If Edmonds is the cunts cunt then this cunt is the cunts cunts cunt. I speak from experience on this one as well. He is such a cock end.
One happy story to report - I once saw James Martin give him a kicking.
[quote="sauzee88"][quote="Mersons Bookie"]Having ££££'s of knitwear nibbled by moths![/quote]
Might sound daft but you should get some lavender extract, put it on a sponge or a rag and leave it in your draw. Moths can't stand it so should protect your kit. [/quote]
Does it not make your gear smell of lavender? Might turn into a narcoleptic
I only had it once, when we moved to a new house and were using the existing built in wardrobes. Grim. Nothing since we gutted the place (fingers crossed). The feckers have got expensive taste!
I think Bottom made me the man I am today, violent and twisted My faves are the simple episodes like the Riots or the one where they're stuck on the ferris wheel
This fucking twat. An absolute clueless knobhead who is responsible for the soccer am 'types' we now have infesting our football grounds doing that cringeworthy wide-armed clapping. He is also apparently a Chlesea fan, but used to be a Watford fan
[quote="jack5"]Toilet humour. Least funny thing ever. It is disgusting.[/quote]
Each to their own. And I ask only out of curiosity as I loved Bottom and just to get a counterbalance. What TV comedy do you like, J? It could be an age thing as I was at school when The Young Ones was first aired and that influenced me ever since.
Yes Mr S88. How has this thread gone 6 pages without this utter wanker not being mentioned? I have to change channel if his fat fucking mug comes on screen.
Although he managed to redeem himself somewhat with his last comic releif outing. I actually laughed at the George Micheal sketch.
However I'm unsure there is enough swear words in the world to do this cunt justice. The cunt.[/quote] That makes you a cunt then for laughing at cordens cuntyness.
I'm not really sure of all this pressure, I'm never gonna lose any of my old letters, 'Cause they'll stay with me, Until I can see that I'm no one
The fucking feminist cunt that's on sky news just now doing the papers. If you hate men that much fuck off and stop using shit we invented that wasn't for housework you fucking arsehole. Stuff like medicine and every fucking thing else. Cathy is her name being as funny as aids is her game.
I'm not really sure of all this pressure, I'm never gonna lose any of my old letters, 'Cause they'll stay with me, Until I can see that I'm no one
Believe it or not my toilet humor dig and bottom being on this thread was a sheer coincidence! To be fair I have never bothered with bottom. My sense of humour is really dry. Hence that I make no funny posts at all.
Toilet humour is just something that boils my piss! Don't like discussing stuff. Farting and the likes in public is sick and not funny. The word p**. Makes my skin crawl. Maybe I am just immature!