[quote="cordsandcagoule"] and he chooses the one next to you and then has shit like he's giving birth to fucking triplets or summt, complete with heaving breathing and maybe even an 'oooh dear ahhh' in there.[/quote]
His not really havin a shit tho m8 his peering over the cubicle at what your doing !!!
[quote="cordsandcagoule"]When you go for a shit at work and you just want a nice 20 mins playing angry birds or nipping on facebook to have a look at the lass from the floor below's holiday snaps and some cunt comes in - bearing in mind you're the only one in there and there's 4 other cubicles free meaning he could put 3 cubicles between yourself and himself - and he chooses the one next to you and then has shit like he's giving birth to fucking triplets or summt, complete with heaving breathing and maybe even an 'oooh dear ahhh' in there. Then doesn't even wash his hands.
Fucking sruffy, completely unaware of surroundings ballbags. Catch the fucking plague please and leave the rest of us to shit in peace.[/quote]
15 peaceful mins of Angry Birds in the morning is all I ask
[quote="cordsandcagoule"]When you go for a shit at work and you just want a nice 20 mins playing angry birds or nipping on facebook to have a look at the lass from the floor below's holiday snaps and some cunt comes in - bearing in mind you're the only one in there and there's 4 other cubicles free meaning he could put 3 cubicles between yourself and himself - and he chooses the one next to you and then has shit like he's giving birth to fucking triplets or summt, complete with heaving breathing and maybe even an 'oooh dear ahhh' in there. Then doesn't even wash his hands.
Fucking sruffy, completely unaware of surroundings ballbags. Catch the fucking plague please and leave the rest of us to shit in peace.[/quote]
Phil hope you're ok mate, this cunt really boils my piss
Find it completely unacceptable that a supposed 'professional footballer' - a 'striker' at that - is unable to head a ball into pretty much an open net unchallenged from 2 yards out, complete bell
FFS Mark, why did you do it??!! I've just about shed the rage from yesterday and now it's burning up again. Him, McCabe, that ref, and that fat cunt lino should be buried
[quote="mkj1972"]Muslim Extremists who hate it here but are quite happy to take our benefits.It makes me mad! (I know not all muslims are like this before i get accused of being a racist)[/quote]
Couldn't have put it better myself. The fact that they get away with it makes it even worse.
Phil hope you're ok mate, this cunt really boils my piss
Find it completely unacceptable that a supposed 'professional footballer' - a 'striker' at that - is unable to head a ball into pretty much an open net unchallenged from 2 yards out, complete bell[/quote] Fuck off. You cunts have no conception of what a fuckin shite striker is. The likes of myself and locomotion have had to put up with Darren for fucks sake fit in I name o fuck wis at yi useless gypit twa left fitted donkey waste o fucking DNA mackie, fucking arse bandit has been with us for 11 years and has scored a fantastic 50 fucking goals. Shite does not even begin to describe how cunting awful this divot for a head twat is. Only thing he has really done for us of any note is run about like a headless chicken and scored a goal against Dnipro. Of course the apologists say it's ok as the fucking air stealing prick "gives his all" when we all know I would fucking do the same but do not deserve to get a game for aberdeen as I am fucking god awful rank at football. As is Darren god awful should be melted down for glue mackie.
I'm not really sure of all this pressure, I'm never gonna lose any of my old letters, 'Cause they'll stay with me, Until I can see that I'm no one
[quote="wadey"][quote="Mersons Bookie"]At least we're going down properly, rock bottom, and not leaving to last day of the season like w*dn*sd*y[/quote]
Philip....really....i honestly thought you had more class......as you were gentlemen *tut*[/
It's difficult to remain gentleman-like at times like these I can even see us doing the dreaded double and being relegated next year too.
darren fucking bell how the fuck did he miss that the useless cunt mackie, to give him his full title, has been making the beautiful game look ugly in an Aberdeen shirt for 10 years. He's due a testimonial this year and I'm thinking of going as a clown to show what regard I hold him in.
I'm not really sure of all this pressure, I'm never gonna lose any of my old letters, 'Cause they'll stay with me, Until I can see that I'm no one
When ive had a stupidly heavy wkd on the pop, I roll in at half midnight on Sunday evening after watching the golf in the local and the Mrs gets the bag on because im pissing all over the cooker and worktops? Just no consideration...
People who walk in massive groups blocking the pavement. Had it twice today - big group of chinese students and 3 new mums with prams. Fair play you want to chat to your mates but for fucks sake have some consideration for the other people using the pavement
[quote="1985casual"]Smokers who go out on the drink with no tabs.[/quote] Those cocksuckers normally start a sentence with: I had stopped but... and you fucking know whats coming next. A night of giving away your smokes at £7.50 a 20.
I'm not really sure of all this pressure, I'm never gonna lose any of my old letters, 'Cause they'll stay with me, Until I can see that I'm no one
Tell you waht else boils my piss. The fucking airline losing my bag so I need to sit and wait for the fucker as it will definately be on the 4 o clock flight. Had to postpone a drinking session with my mate for this so if the bloody thing doesn't show up I'll have superheated piss nevermind boiled.
I'm not really sure of all this pressure, I'm never gonna lose any of my old letters, 'Cause they'll stay with me, Until I can see that I'm no one
[quote="coopy100"]Tell you waht else boils my piss. The fucking airline losing my bag so I need to sit and wait for the fucker as it will definately be on the 4 o clock flight. Had to postpone a drinking session with my mate for this so if the bloody thing doesn't show up I'll have superheated piss nevermind boiled.[/quote]
Thats a bastard, thought they'd at least offer to have it posted to you? On a similar theme, the airline losing your bag then sending you the wrong one as a replacement.
[quote="sauzee88"][quote="coopy100"]Tell you waht else boils my piss. The fucking airline losing my bag so I need to sit and wait for the fucker as it will definately be on the 4 o clock flight. Had to postpone a drinking session with my mate for this so if the bloody thing doesn't show up I'll have superheated piss nevermind boiled.[/quote]
Thats a bastard, thought they'd at least offer to have it posted to you? On a similar theme, the airline losing your bag then sending you the wrong one as a replacement.[/quote] Going to send it round in a taxi but as my house keys are in the bag I'm in a bit of a quandry as I can't go out until it arrives. If they send me the wrong one I'm going to go Fukishima on them.
I'm not really sure of all this pressure, I'm never gonna lose any of my old letters, 'Cause they'll stay with me, Until I can see that I'm no one
Royal fucking Mail leaving my Stone Island jacket sitting in a post office for a week and not even telling me. God knows when I'd have gotten it if I hadn't enquired.
And to top it off, it looks like the packaging has been had ago at with a stanley knife. Thankfully I don't think the jacket is harmed.