Tbh, if the boozers were open I wouldn't mind a nose. How many times have we seen something on line fancy we cream our pants over only to realise how shit it is in the real world? That's when the boozer comes into play "I've saved myself a few bob there where's the nearest boozer" 😎
Apart from The odd walk through John Lewis If am in town for something else ..I don’t go into clothes Shops, probably only END that would interest me up here now
Quote: redmond wrote in post #5Apart from The odd walk through John Lewis If am in town for something else ..I don’t go into clothes Shops, probably only END that would interest me up here now
Even END is shit as they have very little stock in their stores.
Quote: redmond wrote in post #7Never been in the new one, liked the old one...always liked high bridge Street, unions ok or was been 10 year since Av been in
Aye their High Bridge Store was spot on, a fraction of the size yet plenty of stock to try on.