Quote: L.J wrote in post #25Nothing worse than a working class Tory.
How can that party relate to you? Run by old Etonians who will sell off our national institutions to make their mates millions makes me sick.
The electorate is too thick to see past the media spin and the lies they feed us.
The mess Labour put us in? You are aware the conservatives backed Labour's spending up till 2010.
Problem with this nation is the selfishness of our society the I'm alright jack attitude. They've made us hate our own and public lap it up. Brain dead.
I see from your profile your from Merseysnide, no surprises there!
Whilst on the subject of Labour, Merseyside and 'I'm alright jack attitude' tell me do you still have a picture of Hatton on your bedroom wall? If anyone fitted that criteria it was him, nearly bankrupt the city of Liverpool, doing alright for HIMSELF now though, ain't he?
The Looney Left, I've shit 'em!
Its time to move on we're now living in the 21st Century!
Whats coming from meresyside got to do with anything what a stupid naive way to think&talk
I was merely pointing out the damage a 'working class hero' can do when given the gaffers job!
I couldn't give a fuck about Cameros background or education I voted for him because he was the right man for the job.
See the great mr Cameron now going to let the low paid families live on £23 grand a year without any family tax credits or any help of the tory government hows a family what earn that with 2/3 kids going to live it was bad enough at £26 grand wankers
Quote: dream attack wrote in post #79See the great mr Cameron now going to let the low paid families live on £23 grand a year without any family tax credits or any help of the tory government hows a family what earn that with 2/3 kids going to live it was bad enough at £26 grand wankers
We all know the rothschilds are running the world...but what is the choice Putins ideal ? the fat boy in korea ?...... or the loons driving around in 4x4,s beheading everyone in the middle east ...I know who I,d rather have[smile]...and as for the scum carrying on in London yesterday ........
Quote: dream attack wrote in post #79See the great mr Cameron now going to let the low paid families live on £23 grand a year without any family tax credits or any help of the tory government hows a family what earn that with 2/3 kids going to live it was bad enough at £26 grand wankers
If you can't afford to have kids, don't have 'em!
what a stupid&silly thing to say typical tory answer stupid tory boy
Quote: dream attack wrote in post #82Imagine bring up 2/3 kids in london on that amount of money no wonder millions of low earning families are using food banks weekly
Most that go there will probably use the money they've saved to spend on drugs or piss!
We all know the rothschilds are running the world...but what is the choice Putins ideal ? the fat boy in korea ?...... or the loons driving around in 4x4,s beheading everyone in the middle east ...I know who I,d rather have[smile]...and as for the scum carrying on in London yesterday ........
Quote: dream attack wrote in post #82Imagine bring up 2/3 kids in london on that amount of money no wonder millions of low earning families are using food banks weekly
Most that go there will probably use the money they've saved to spend on drugs or piss!
Quote: dream attack wrote in post #79See the great mr Cameron now going to let the low paid families live on £23 grand a year without any family tax credits or any help of the tory government hows a family what earn that with 2/3 kids going to live it was bad enough at £26 grand wankers
If you can't afford to have kids, don't have 'em!
what a stupid&silly thing to say typical tory answer stupid tory boy
Quote: dream attack wrote in post #82Imagine bring up 2/3 kids in london on that amount of money no wonder millions of low earning families are using food banks weekly
Most that go there will probably use the money they've saved to spend on drugs or piss!
Quote: dream attack wrote in post #82Imagine bring up 2/3 kids in london on that amount of money no wonder millions of low earning families are using food banks weekly
Most that go there will probably use the money they've saved to spend on drugs or piss!
yet again very naive silly tory boy answer
I'm right though, ain't I?
very wrong so all the low paid families take drugs&get pissed every day what stupid thing to say
myself also just stating the facts ... and another big feck off fact is that I go to work so haven,t felt the cuts that Labours rent a mob were carrying onabout yesterday in London