Quote: frank cannon wrote in post #1224Quote: Tone wrote in post #1223RIP Soccer Saturday.Who they getting in to replace them
Quote: Tone wrote in post #1223RIP Soccer Saturday.
That cunt Micah Richards is a poor mans Kriss Akabusi funny as a stubbed toeAnd birds no matter how fit shouldn’t be anywhere near a football Hope it goes to the wall fuck em
Mind you that’s Leeds lass with the dinasour eggs is alreet suppose 😬
Rumour has it Jeff is gonna throw in the towel.I have been told, taps nose this is his replacement.
Bale on his way back to Spuds.
Bale Kane n Son up front devastating!
Aye canny line up Off topic but Is anyone watching the spurs docJust how much are they pampered now footballers unbelievable And that cunt deli over the moon he put beans in a microwave
Ole at the wheel!
Quote: 1985casual wrote in post #1233Ole at the wheel!
Quote: wadey wrote in post #1234Quote: 1985casual wrote in post #1233Ole at the wheel!They’d give their wages to charity if they’d got owt about em
Looks like all the Liverpool side have got COVID
Quote: wadey wrote in post #1236Looks like all the Liverpool side have got COVID
Noooo way frank 👀
What’s going on 😬😬😬😬
Quote: Leonard Osbourne wrote in post #1240What’s going on 😬😬😬😬
Anyone but fucking Villa ...... very strange day son
Today, I am a Millwall fan.
Quote: wadey wrote in post #1244https://mobile.twitter.com/millwallrussia/status/1335241123024035841?s=24
Quote: haxby wrote in post #1245Quote: wadey wrote in post #1244https://mobile.twitter.com/millwallrussia/status/1335241123024035841?s=24Deleted???
Any Scummers on here?😂
Unbelievable score
Quote: Tone wrote in post #1247Any Scummers on here?😂
Quote: The Midfield General wrote in post #1249Quote: Tone wrote in post #1247Any Scummers on here?😂You called? LoL