Quote: STEVECFC wrote in post #1Nice weather so it's making cycling all the more enjoyable. Anyone else big into cycling ? Training and fitness ? After just over a year now of training for weight loss, now starting to look more into the cycling, adding extra bits to my bike, looking at a good midrange road bike. So if you are into cycling how about posting up some pics of your bike, clothing reviews for cycling, extras added to your bike. Opinions, such as clip or non clip on peddles / shoes .. Arm rests, fancy wheels. Any views, pictures, opinions welcome .. cycling wise ..
I use a bike to commute to and from work, wouldn't call it enjoyable, it's not the nicest place to be when your cycling uphill, in the piss pouring rain against the wind! If your looking for a new bike you've probably missed the sales, buying 'last years' model can usually save you a good wedge...which can be put towards a new jacket. There's still some decent sales about for clothing and if I were you I would pay the extra, it's worth it. I've found clip ons brilliant when off roading but in a heavy built up area they can be dangerous, imo, as you sometimes need to get your foot on the floor asap!
........and make sure you invest in a good helmet, unlike this cunt!
I never used to use a helmet remember passing cars comming down kirkstone pass ..dead if I had of come off... Always wear one now av got one of them heads that they sort of ballance on rather then fit..tried a load of makes nowt suits..uvex is what I use now
I've got a couple of helmets but I only wear them when I go off road. In the 12+ years I've been cycling to work I've come off maybe half a dozen times, ice is usually the cause. In this instance I were happy pedaling away, next thing I know I'm head butting the tarmac. Got up straight away which was a mistake as my legs were like jelly, and I still don't know how I came off?!?!
Quote: redmond wrote in post #37You need to wear one all the time tone unless your ok with being a disabled or worse
Agree Sean.
Last time I came off I'd stopped at some lights, I literally set off round the corner probably doing 13-15 mph, next thing I knew was my head hitting the road. There was some diesel on the road, got up a bit sheepish. Had 5 mins at the side of the road felt ok and rode about 10 miles home. Got home ok as a group of us, then realised I'd cracked my helmet so was lucky, badly sprained wrist that took about 9 months to get back right and that was at low speed. Don't ride if there's any sign of ice and wary in the very wet, I certainly don't take corners like I used to as all 3 falls I've had have been on bends
I just got back into cycling again. Used to race as a youngster.
the market has changed since then. You are bombarded with so much shit its unreal. you just need a bike that works and start from there. You will need clips and also you will need good clobber. You dont want to look like a fucking glow stick lol.
I'm lucky, live a mile from the sea, and I'm in the countryside .. Roads are fine, and the country lanes normally quiet .. But summer along the beach is just magic ..
Quote: STEVECFC wrote in post #1Nice weather so it's making cycling all the more enjoyable. Anyone else big into cycling ? Training and fitness ? After just over a year now of training for weight loss, now starting to look more into the cycling, adding extra bits to my bike, looking at a good midrange road bike. So if you are into cycling how about posting up some pics of your bike, clothing reviews for cycling, extras added to your bike. Opinions, such as clip or non clip on peddles / shoes .. Arm rests, fancy wheels. Any views, pictures, opinions welcome .. cycling wise ..
I use a bike to commute to and from work, wouldn't call it enjoyable, it's not the nicest place to be when your cycling uphill, in the piss pouring rain against the wind! If your looking for a new bike you've probably missed the sales, buying 'last years' model can usually save you a good wedge...which can be put towards a new jacket. There's still some decent sales about for clothing and if I were you I would pay the extra, it's worth it. I've found clip ons brilliant when off roading but in a heavy built up area they can be dangerous, imo, as you sometimes need to get your foot on the floor asap!
........and make sure you invest in a good helmet, unlike this cunt!
Bike my arse! GTBI got a slap....I'll say it was that man city lot...blazin squad or whatever they're called. Bet you were wearing something dopey too .
HIIT is good stuff more or less same as tabata. And deadlifts are one of my favourite. Brilliant exercise.
"The nightmares invading the sleep of Bayern fans involve four horsemen of the Champions League Apocalypse riding towards them. As the faces come into focus, they will recognise Frank Lampard, Cole, Petr Cech and Drogba. All were immense..."
Only ride on a exercise bike at home and last year bought an Oxelo adult scooter. Perfect for nipping round the smoke. Can ride on the pavement and avoid London's deathly roads.