Oh dear Tone, you are such a giver not a taker .. Oops, sorry, no reference to your gay and fancy free wearing Cravat days .. And look, you've stuck a feather up fog on the tynes arse and tickled him .. But seriously you are right , how the fuck can any Chelsea fan remember past ten years, we've won so much .. It's just a blur, mingled into one big trophy fest .. Now loosen that Cravat, up zip your brown bomber jacket, and let some blood go to your head and relax, stop pumping your fists on the table as you frantically Google Chelsea's misdemeanours ..
Quote: STEVECFC wrote in post #152Oh dear Tone, you are such a giver not a taker .. Oops, sorry, no reference to your gay and fancy free wearing Cravat days .. And look, you've stuck a feather up fog on the tynes arse and tickled him .. But seriously you are right , how the fuck can any Chelsea fan remember past ten years, we've won so much .. It's just a blur, mingled into one big trophy fest .. Now loosen that Cravat, up zip your brown bomber jacket, and let some blood go to your head and relax, stop pumping your fists on the table as you frantically Google Chelsea's misdemeanours ..
Quote: STEVECFC wrote in post #148Such rotters .. Fancy supporting a team with people like that at it .. I'd rather follow a team that has players that turn their back on the national anthem of our queen and country, or say kill by dangerous driving or even go on strike saying they'll never player for club again , cause such a stink ... Then low and behold back in the team .. That's who I'd rather follow !
Whist at Chelsea you have incidents of taking a bung to show an under cover reporter around the ground, shagging a team mates Mrs and racism, that's just one player. Arse 'ole shooting a kid with an air rifle, but in his defense, he didn't know it was loaded Then there was a couple of druggies who were fucked off, Mutu and Bosnich, you may not remember the last two as they played before you started following your chosen club.
Least we didn't give bungs to get in the league like that 'classy' club Arsenal. Then there was the George Graham bungs. People have a short memory, especially with Arsenal.
Quote: STEVECFC wrote in post #146He's pure class No different to Keane , Viera , Julian Dicks , Suarez ..
The difference between Keane, Cantona, Dicks and Vieira from Costa and Suarez is huge. All nasty cunts in their own right but Costa and Suarez are just snide. Pulling hair, pinching, biting and trying to wind up opponents on the sly as opposed to just being open about it and up front.
I do agree gents, it's getting silly now the way he conducts himself .. Being aggressive and winding up is one thing, but the cry baby antics are another .. Sending off for Gabriel was a joke , and killed what was quite a good even game ..
fucksake dry your eyes the lot of ya. you'd love him up front.
"The nightmares invading the sleep of Bayern fans involve four horsemen of the Champions League Apocalypse riding towards them. As the faces come into focus, they will recognise Frank Lampard, Cole, Petr Cech and Drogba. All were immense..."
I agree somewhat Davie .. It seems there's been excuse after excuse for each game this season .. Same team that won the title, now looking lucky to stay up .. 😀
So, FA charge on its way .. Has called Abramovich out , sack me or back me .. And has all but said transfer policy for this season was shite .. I liked that interview, Chelsea fans love him, I really hope club sticks by him .. Juergen Klopp is a possibility, or even JT .. Imagine that girls .. Be some threads on here then ..
Every team needs to strengthen .. An ageing defence needed overhauling .. Plus some players are a shadow of last season , Costa, Hazard, Fabregas .. Courtois injury is another negative .. Transfer policy I was getting at was letting Cech go, Falcao in ..
The point I'm making is it was only 6 month ago those players won the PL. Mouriniho needs to stop blaming referees, stadium lighting, the FA, length of grass, the weather and his players. He's the manager, he picks the team, he goes through tactics with them, he should take responsibility and stop making pathetic excuses!
As the saying goes "he's lost the dressing room" I genuinely think the players don't want to play for him. There's some quality players at Chelsea they should be playing good attractive attacking football instead of looking over their shoulders for 90 minutes.